Ultra-Air Model 735 White Splash Flood Resistant Motor Only
The Ultra-Air® Model 735 Motor Only is a replacment motor for owners of both the Model 535 and Model 735 aerators. The White Splash motor is flood resistant and better protected from system backups.
PLEASE NOTE: We sell this motor as a replacement for our Ultra-Air® Model 735 only. The brackets and shaft of OEM Norweco Singulair and Jet units will not fit directly on this motor; Therefore if you have one of these models then you will need to purchase the complete unit.

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Item #:735MOTOR-FR
Manufacturer: Septic Solutions
- 1/4 HP, 115VAC, 60 Hz, 4.6 FLA
- 1725 RPM
- 3ft Power Cord with Plug
- White Splash Flood Resistant Motor - Better protected from system backups!
- Designed for Continuous Operation
- Condition: NEW
- Made in USA!
- One Year Warranty
The Ultra-Air Flood Resistant White Splash Motor is the only Flood Resistant Aftermarket Shafted Aerator available today. It is designed as an Alternative Replacement for and Comparable to other Manufacturer’s units.
The Flood Resistant Ultra-Air™ was not designed to be a submersible aerator. A submersible aerator will operate continuously under water for the life of the aerator. The Flood Resistant Ultra-Air™ was designed to handle those occasional intermittent high water problems as mentioned on the “examples” below. It will handle periodic flooding, become totally submerged for a short period of time and keep on working. The Flood Resistant Ultra-Air™ should be more than adequate to handle those brief high water problems that could occur in your tank. Naturally you will not be able to use your system under these high water conditions as there is nowhere for the water from your home to go and could cause backup into the home. This will ensure that you will fix the problem quickly, within a day or two, and once that problem has been resolved can expect your Ultra-Air™ Flood Resistant Aerator to keep on working.
Septic Solutions is continually working to be able to provide our customers with the latest and most innovative products available in the septic market today. The Ultra-Air™ Flood Resistant Aerator is yet another great example of that. If you are concerned about your Aerator flooding you now have the option to purchase the only Aftermarket Flood Resistant Shafted Aerator available anywhere. Septic Solutions is very proud to offer our latest inventive product the Ultra-Air™ Flood Resistant White Splash. If flooding has never been a problem then our Standard Ultra-Air™ Model 735 is a great option. The choice is now yours to make.
The majority of owners with a septic tank shaft aerator do not necessarily need a Flood Resistant Ultra-Air™. However there are occasions when a Flood Resistant Ultra-Air™ would be beneficial.
Your system may be working fine for a number of years and all of a sudden you get a 6 inch rain in a couple of hours. This may be rare but does happen. Your system drains into a field absorption system and your yard is fairly flat. A very heavy rain can flood your field and potentially cause the excess surface water to drain from the field back into your aerobic system raising the water level inside your tank. If the water level gets high enough to get into your motor and it is not Flood Resistant your motor will most likely fail. The Ultra-Air™ White Splash was designed to handle these types of situations without damaging the motor.
Your system has a lift station and an effluent pump that pumps to a field absorption system, spray irrigation system, drip system, mound system, or something else. These systems are designed to have an alarm that will notify you if the water gets high in the lift station. If for any reason this alarm does not notify you of the fact that the lift pump has quit and the water level is rising in the lift station (alarm turned off—bad alarm wire—bad alarm, etc.) then as you continue to use water in your home and send it out to the septic system where it is not getting pumped away the water level will rise in the lift station and begin backing up into the aerobic system. After only a short period of time the water level could easily rise up and into your aerator motor and ruin it. The Ultra-Air™ White Splash was designed to handle these types of situations without damaging the motor.
Your system has some type of filter that could become clogged over time. After only a short period of time the water level could easily rise up and into your aerator motor. The Ultra-Air™ White Splash was designed to handle these types of situations without damaging the motor.
Your system has been working fine for a number of years. For some unknown reason the 4 inch pipe exiting your aerobic system becomes clogged or even collapses. Just like the scenarios listed above and somewhat similar to putting a drain stopper in your kitchen sink the water level will rise in your tank and could easily get into your aerator motor. The Ultra-Air™ White Splash was designed to handle these types of situations without damaging the motor.
These are some examples why there are advantages to having a Flood Resistant Ultra-Air™ White Splash sitting inside your tank. There are alarms in most tanks that are supposed to activate when you have high water conditions occurring inside your tank. These alarms when working will help protect your aerator from flooding provided you heed the warning and find the problem and fix it before you use enough water in the home to flood the aerator. The Flood Resistant Ultra-Air™ will provide those of you who are concerned about the potential of flooding inside your tank the security to know that if that does happen this motor will not be damaged. The Ultra-Air™ Flood Resistant White Splash is the only Aftermarket Flood Resistant Shafted Aerator available on the market today.
The Ultra-Air Flood Resistant White Splash Motor is the only Flood Resistant Aftermarket Shafted Aerator available today. It is designed as an Alternative Replacement for and Comparable to other Manufacturer’s units.
The Flood Resistant Ultra-Air™ was not designed to be a submersible aerator. A submersible aerator will operate continuously under water for the life of the aerator. The Flood Resistant Ultra-Air™ was designed to handle those occasional high water problems as mentioned on the “examples” below. It will handle periodic flooding, become totally submerged, and keep on working. The Flood Resistant Ultra-Air™ should be more than adequate to handle those brief high water problems that could occur in your tank. Naturally you will not be able to use your system under these high water conditions as there is nowhere for the water from your home to go and could cause backup into the home. This will ensure that you will fix the problem quickly, within a day or two, and once that problem has been resolved can expect your Ultra-Air™ Flood Resistant Aerator to keep on working.
Septic Solutions is continually working to be able to provide our customers with the latest and most innovative products available in the septic market today. The Ultra-Air™ Flood Resistant Aerator is yet another great example of that. If you are concerned about your Aerator flooding you now have the option to purchase the only Aftermarket Flood Resistant Shafted Aerator available anywhere. Septic Solutions is very proud to offer our latest inventive product the Ultra-Air™ Flood Resistant White Splash. If flooding has never been a problem then our Standard Ultra-Air™ Model 735 is a great option. The choice is now yours to make.
The majority of owners with a septic tank shaft aerator do not necessarily need a Flood Resistant Ultra-Air™. However there are occasions when a Flood Resistant Ultra-Air™ would be beneficial.
Your system may be working fine for a number of years and all of a sudden you get a 6 inch rain in a couple of hours. This may be rare but does happen. Your system drains into a field absorption system and your yard is fairly flat. A very heavy rain can flood your field and potentially cause the excess surface water to drain from the field back into your aerobic system raising the water level inside your tank. If the water level gets high enough to get into your motor and it is not Flood Resistant your motor will most likely fail. The Ultra-Air™ White Splash was designed to handle these types of situations without damaging the motor.
Your system has a lift station and an effluent pump that pumps to a field absorption system, spray irrigation system, drip system, mound system, or something else. These systems are designed to have an alarm that will notify you if the water gets high in the lift station. If for any reason this alarm does not notify you of the fact that the lift pump has quit and the water level is rising in the lift station (alarm turned off—bad alarm wire—bad alarm, etc.) then as you continue to use water in your home and send it out to the septic system where it is not getting pumped away the water level will rise in the lift station and begin backing up into the aerobic system. After only a short period of time the water level could easily rise up and into your aerator motor and ruin it. The Ultra-Air™ White Splash was designed to handle these types of situations without damaging the motor.
Your system has some type of filter that could become clogged over time. After only a short period of time the water level could easily rise up and into your aerator motor. The Ultra-Air™ White Splash was designed to handle these types of situations without damaging the motor.
Your system has been working fine for a number of years. For some unknown reason the 4 inch pipe exiting your aerobic system becomes clogged or even collapses. Just like the scenarios listed above and somewhat similar to putting a drain stopper in your kitchen sink the water level will rise in your tank and could easily get into your aerator motor. The Ultra-Air™ White Splash was designed to handle these types of situations without damaging the motor.
These are some examples why there are advantages to having a Flood Resistant Ultra-Air™ White Splash sitting inside your tank. There are alarms in most tanks that are supposed to activate when you have high water conditions occurring inside your tank. These alarms when working will help protect your aerator from flooding provided you heed the warning and find the problem and fix it before you use enough water in the home to flood the aerator. The Flood Resistant Ultra-Air™ will provide those of you who are concerned about the potential of flooding inside your tank the security to know that if that does happen this motor will not be damaged. The Ultra-Air™ Flood Resistant White Splash is the only Aftermarket Flood Resistant Shafted Aerator available on the market today.